03.06. – 05.06.2022
Friday, 3 June 2022
Daily: 10.00 pm – 1.00 am
See opening hours Raum für Illustrationtempo
3. – 5.6.2022
“The sun shines so warmly. Now and then, it rains. In front of our window, lemons and oranges grow.”
Ines Könitz and Lucie Marsmann have mined their families’ photography archives in previous projects. At first, they worked independently; later, a collaborative process between the two ensued.
In their work tempo, the family archives of both artists are interwoven. Here, archive images, postcards, and photographs of recreated travel memories are expanded and combined with associative objects, such as flea market finds or items bought on eBay, resulting in a fragmented collection.
With tempo (Italian for “time” and also “weather”), Könitz and Marsmann look back on family holidays in Italy. The desire for carefree times becomes visible, as does the (West) German trait of longing for Italy that accompanied the economic upswing that began in the 1950s.
In addition to developing an exemplary cultural history of the phenomenon Italienreise (the feeling of a longing for Italy), the collection shows how personal archives can determine collective memories that are mediated by images and objects, and how memories can even be triggered when they are not connected to our own stories.
tempo will be shown at the onset of dusk in the form of a looped projection as a window display.
Raum für Illustration
Paul-Roosen-Straße 4
22767 Hamburg